The weight-loss treatment is mainly concerned with reaching a state of healthy weight. This helps in the reduction of complications relating to obesity. Weight loss treatment is performed by a team of health professionals including a dietitian, behavioural counselor who is also called as an “Obesity specialist”.
During the initial stage the main goal is to reduce the body mass by 5% to 10%, for example is a person is weighing 220.5 pounds (100 kg), then we would focus to loss the weight about 10 to 20 pounds that is nearly 4.5 to 9 kg. The methodology of treatment will change if the client wishes to lose more weight.
The process of weight loss will be more beneficial when the client has a strict control over his/her diet. Hence, after the treatment there will be a dietitian who will prescribe what is to be taken by the clients. The benefits of weight reduction treatment can only be seen when the clients follow the strict diet which is prescribed by the dietitian.
The doctor may recommend a weight loss medication only when exercise and diet control does not work and also by satisfying any one of the below mentioned criteria.
Before prescribing any medication, the doctor will first go through your past medical history to check that the prescribed medicine will not cause any side effects. If the medication is stopped abruptly then the lost weight will be regained.
Weight loss is also possible through exercise and physical activity. People who are more conscious about maintaining their weight will exercise on a regular basis. This can be maintained by simple walking or even jogging.
Behaviour changes do contribute to weight loss that is a change in lifestyle will help you in identifying the present habits to find out what factors contribute to obesity. On the flip side, there are other methodologies that are used to reduce weight like “Endoscopic Procedure” or weight loss surgery like “Gastric Bypass Surgery, Adjustable Gastric Banding, Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch, Gastric Sleeve”.